Boom Boom (which in Dutch means tree tree) is an interactive forest in which each individual tree has its own sound. By approaching them, toughing them, or hugging them you can influence the sound, while you also feel the vibrations of the sound through the trunk of the tree.

When walking from one music stage to another you will pass through the forest where the BOOM BOOM project surprises the festival visitors. When passing by, the trees start to make there own personal sound. If you get closer or stroke the trees you will be able to influence the sound created by the trees. The vibrations are sensible through the whole tree. It invites visitors to hug the trees and experience an extraordinary way of physical contact with nature. All the trees together create a soundscape that floats through the forest.

With this project Toer wanted to strengthen the already existing scenery of the festival. A beautiful island in the north of the Netherlands (Vlieland). The festival is a mix of great music, art installations and exceptional nature. With the latter in mind, Toer decided to do something that puts the focus on it in a playful way. By this little intervention the visitor of the festival is challenged to look more closely to the nature surrounding them.

photos © Sander Heezen